Signs that Show You Need a Home Renovation

Signs that Show You Need a Home Renovation

It always seems like there is something that needs doing around the house. Clean this, fix that; it’s an endless stream of chores and responsibility forces you to turn a blind eye to your broken garage door or a leaky roof. Or maybe you are having too much fun to notice that your home is starting to get worn down.

Have a look around. Maybe it is time for your home to be renovated. Below are some signs that it is time to fix and upgrade your home.

  1. A leaky roof or old shingles

    Everything has an expiry date. If you don’t keep your eye on the calendar, some things — like replacing your outdated roof shingles — can get away from you. Although it’s not something you would usually think about, shingles only last about 20 years before they need to be replaced. If your shingles are allowed to wear down and become old, you could be risking a significant water leak into your home that could cost you more money in the long run. Remember, shingles are the barrier between your home and the elements.

  2. Worn-out floors

    Floors that need to be replaced will show visible signs. For one, tiles — or other ceramics — will slowly detach due to worn out grouting, carpets will become stained and discoloured, and hardwood flooring will become scuffed and discoloured. Loose floorboards is another sign that it is time for a renovation. Keeping old and worn out flooring will make your home look like it requires renovations.

  3. Chipped paint

    Unfortunately, paint is like cosmetics that need constant updating. When they show the signs of chipping, then it is your cue to repaint your walls. If you can, it is a good idea to paint over scuffs and discolouration on your walls routinely. Doing so is an excellent way of keeping up with your paint job so that you don’t reach the state where your entire home needs to be repainted.

  4. Broken or outdated features

    Replacing or fixing broken or outdated features could mean many things. Maybe you need to complete a more significant project, like fixing your foundation or drainage. Or perhaps it is a matter that your kitchen appliances are sucking more energy than they are worth, giving you skyrocketing electric bills monthly. These examples are a nudge for you to start investing in updated home features.

Be Prepared for Lots of Work

Look around; what renovations need to be done in your home? Since home renovations are expensive and are cannot be finished overnight, it is important to think them through thoroughly. What are your priorities? Formulate your plan of action, set a budget, and find a team of professionals that work well for you. It is your responsibility as the homeowner to see the project through to the end.

To learn more about the signs you need a home renovation, call Avonlea Renovations at (416) 907-4764 or contact us here.


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