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Newer Homes

Our team of highly skilled professionals have a great understanding of the latest trends in modern design. We are able to maximize the potential of your living space while giving you all the modern conveniances that you desire.

If your requirements are as simple as installing a sink or as complex as removing supporting walls to accommodate a completely open concept kitchen, we can service your needs. We have access to many styles of kitchen and bathroom amenities to help create the environment you desire. With our help, you are sure to find the perfect solution to suit your taste and budget.

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"Although our project was large and involved many trades, John took care of everything. He was able to explain all parts of the job to us in simple language so that we always knew what was going on. Thank you for making such a complicated project seem simple. "
- Mrs. Ranier

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Our Address: 1980 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4C 1J6

Tel. (416) 422-5276